
Army Privatized Housing Fails to Assess Lead-Based Paint


Lead-based paint and asbestos-containing materials are serious hazards that can pose significant health risks, especially to young children and pregnant women. It is crucial for housing authorities, particularly those managing privatized homes for military families, to ensure that these hazards are appropriately evaluated and addressed before occupancy. Unfortunately, a recent investigation has revealed that the Army lacked assurance in assessing pre-1978 privatized homes for lead-based paint and asbestos-containing material, potentially jeopardizing the safety of Army families. In this blog post, we will explore the investigation findings, the significance of lead-based paint and asbestos-containing material hazards, and the importance of conducting comprehensive risk assessments to protect the health and well-being of military families.


Imagine moving into a new home with your family, excitedly unpacking boxes, and settling in. You’re looking forward to creating memories in this new space, but little do you know that hidden dangers may lurk within the walls. This unexpected finding is alarming for many Army families living in privatized housing. A recent investigation has revealed a shocking oversight in the assessment of lead-based paint, posing a significant risk to the health and well-being of those residing in these homes. The Army, responsible for ensuring the safety of its soldiers and their loved ones, failed to conduct proper evaluations of pre-1978 homes for lead-based paint and asbestos-containing material hazards. These hazardous substances, if not adequately addressed, can have profound health implications, particularly for young children who are more susceptible to the harmful effects of lead. Astonishingly, out of the 201 homes inspected, every single one was found to have lead-based paint, necessitating further risk assessment. However, none of these homes received the necessary follow-up evaluations (U.S. Army Audit Agency 2023).

As we delve deeper into this unsettling issue of Army privatized housing, we will explore the consequences of this oversight and the potential harm it poses to military families. Join us as we uncover the facts, shed light on the importance of proper assessments, and delve into the urgent need for swift action to rectify this hazardous situation.

The Army’s Responsibility for Privatized Housing

When it comes to providing safe and secure housing for military families, the responsibility falls on the Army. Privatized housing is intended to offer a comfortable and suitable living environment for soldiers and their loved ones. However, recent findings have exposed a shocking oversight in assessing lead-based paint and asbestos hazards in these homes. Lead-based paint was commonly used in homes built before 1978, and its presence can pose serious health risks, especially to young children. On the other hand, asbestos is a hazardous material frequently used in construction before the government fully understood the dangers.

“Until the 1970s, many types of building products and insulation materials used in homes contained asbestos. Common products that might have contained asbestos in the past, and conditions which may release fibers, include (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 2023):”

Both substances require careful evaluation and management to ensure the safety of residents. Despite this knowledge, it has been revealed that the Army failed to properly assess pre-1978 privatized homes for lead-based paint and asbestos-containing material hazards before occupancy. This alarming discovery highlights a significant breach of safety measures.

Army Privatized Housing Fails Lead-Based Paint

The Importance of Assessing Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos Hazards

Assessing lead-based paint and asbestos hazards is crucial for maintaining a safe living environment for military families. Lead exposure can have severe health implications, particularly for young children whose developing bodies are more vulnerable to its toxic effects. Lead poisoning can lead to cognitive impairments, developmental delays, behavior problems, and even permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and kidneys. Proper assessments must be conducted to identify areas with lead-based paint so that appropriate measures can be taken to mitigate exposure risks. Similarly, asbestos poses significant health risks when disturbed or deteriorated. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause serious respiratory issues such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. By assessing and managing asbestos hazards, the Army can ensure the well-being of military families and provide them with a safe place to call home.

The Investigation Findings: Shocking Oversight

During the investigation, it was discovered that although 183 homes had documentation supporting inspections for lead-based paint, none of them had received the necessary follow-up evaluations. This failure to conduct risk assessments puts military families at an unnecessary and avoidable risk. Furthermore, the lack of documentation regarding asbestos-containing material surveys in 82 homes raises concerns about the thoroughness of assessments conducted by Army housing offices. Without proper evaluation and management of these hazards, military families are left exposed to potential health dangers (U.S. Army Audit Agency 2023).

Consequences of Lead-Based Paint for Military Families

The consequences of this oversight are far-reaching and have a direct impact on military families. These men, women, and children sacrifice so much for our country’s safety, and it is only fair that they are provided with safe and healthy living conditions in return. Living in homes with lead-based paint or deteriorating asbestos materials puts military families at risk of exposure to harmful substances. The long-term health implications can be devastating for the affected individuals and their overall quality of life. Military families already face numerous challenges due to frequent relocations and deployments. They deserve peace of mind knowing that their homes are free from hazardous materials that could harm their health or exacerbate existing medical conditions.

Health Implications of Lead-Based Paint Exposure

Lead-based paint exposure can severely affect human health, particularly for young children who may inadvertently ingest lead dust or chips while playing or during everyday activities. The effects are potentially immediate and long-lasting. Children exposed to lead may experience developmental delays, learning difficulties, decreased IQ, and behavioral problems (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2022). These impairments can have a lasting impact on their educational achievements and overall well-being. Additionally, lead exposure has been linked to an increased risk of hypertension, kidney damage, and reproductive issues in adults (National Kidney Foundation Inc. 2017). Military families must be protected from the dangers of lead-based paint by conducting thorough assessments and implementing appropriate remediation measures.

The Impact of Lead-Based Paint on Children’s Health

Guess which type of occupant uses Army privatized housing – married soldiers. Over 50% are E-5 and below and have at least one child. Children are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of lead exposure. Their developing bodies absorb lead more easily than adults, and their brains are still growing and forming connections. As a result, even low levels of lead can significantly impact their cognitive development and overall health. Exposure to lead can cause irreversible damage to a child’s brain, leading to learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and behavioral problems (Donzelli, et al. 2019). These effects can hinder a child’s academic performance, social interactions, and future opportunities. Military families with young children deserve safe housing that protects them from lead-based paint hazards. By failing to assess these risks adequately, the Army is putting the health and well-being of these children at stake.

Lack of Follow-Up Evaluations: A Breach of Safety Measures

The lack of follow-up evaluations for homes with documented instances of lead-based paint inspections is deeply concerning. It represents a breach of safety measures that should be in place to protect military families. Proper risk assessments are essential for identifying areas with deteriorating or peeling lead-based paint. Without these evaluations, necessary remediation actions cannot be taken promptly. This oversight not only endangers the health of military families but also undermines their trust in the Army’s commitment to their well-being.

The Urgent Need for Swift Action

The investigation findings into the Army’s failure to assess lead-based paint and asbestos hazards in privatized housing demand swift action. The health and safety of military families should always be a top priority. Immediate steps must be taken to rectify this situation. Thorough assessments should be conducted in all pre-1978 homes, and any areas with lead-based paint or deteriorating asbestos materials must be addressed appropriately and remediated. Additionally, the Army must establish clear protocols for follow-up evaluations to ensure that any identified risks are promptly mitigated. Transparency and accountability are essential in rebuilding trust between military families and the Army.

Holding the Army Accountable for Lead-Based Paint

Military families deserve answers, accountability, and swift action from the Army regarding this oversight. It is crucial that those responsible for ensuring safe housing are held accountable for their failures. Investigations into how this oversight occurred should be conducted thoroughly, focusing on identifying systemic issues that allowed such a breach in safety measures. The Army can demonstrate its commitment to providing safe housing for military families by holding individuals accountable and implementing necessary changes.

Advocacy for Military Families: Demanding Change

Military families should not have to worry about their health and safety within their own homes. They must have a voice in demanding change and advocating for improvements in privatized housing conditions. Military families can bring attention to these issues through collective advocacy, ensuring those in management positions hear their concerns. Working with organizations supporting military families’ rights, they can push for policy changes prioritizing thorough assessments of lead-based paint and asbestos hazards.

Conclusion: Ensuring Safe Privatized Housing for Military Families

The oversight in assessing lead-based paint and asbestos hazards in Army privatized housing is a grave concern that must be addressed urgently. The health and well-being of military families should never be compromised. By conducting thorough assessments, implementing necessary remediation measures, and establishing clear protocols for follow-up evaluations, the Army can ensure safe housing for its soldiers and their loved ones. It is time to prioritize the health and safety of military families by rectifying this hazardous situation.

Sources / Credit

  • Photo: Courtesy Lendlease (Brendalyn Carpenter)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022. Health Effects of Lead Exposure. September 2. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/prevention/health-effects.htm.
  • Donzelli, Gabriele, Annalaura Carducci, Agustin Llopis-Gonzalez, Marco Verani, Agustin Llopis-Morales, Lorenzo Cioni, and María Morales-Suárez-Varela. 2019. “The Association between Lead and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review.” National Library of Medicine. January 29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6388268/.
  • National Kidney Foundation Inc. 2017. Lead Exposure and Kidney Function. February 3. https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/lead-exposure-and-kidney-function#:~:text=Lead%2Drelated%20damage%20to%20the,have%20their%20lead%20levels%20checked.
  • U.S. Army Audit Agency. 2023. Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos-Containing Material in Privatized Housing. Alexandria, August 2.
  • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 2023. Asbestos In The Home. July 5. https://www.cpsc.gov/safety-education/safety-guides/home/asbestos-home.

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